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Cambridge University EDWARD COKE SOCIETY Discussion event – Tues, 1st May 2018
EDWARD COKE SOCIETY Discussion event: ‘Constitutional Rights and the Rule of Law’
The Edward Coke Society is delighted to invite you to its first event:
‘Constitutional Rights and the Rule of Law’: a discussion with Professor Nigel Simmonds and Professor David Feldman.
Date: 1 May 2018
Venue: LG18, Faculty of Law, David Williams Building, 10 West Rd, CB3 9DZ, Cambridge.
Time: 17:00 – 18:15 (followed by drinks in the Faculty’s atrium)
Professor Simmonds will be talking on the following topic:
“Since World War 2, in the ECHR and in many jurisdictions around the world, a single model of constitutional rights has emerged. But this `global model’ of constitutional rights sits in an uneasy relationship with liberal democracy’s core commitment to the rule of law, and appears to endanger the very possibility of secure legal rights. Liberal democrats should therefore temper their enthusiasm for the global model and should approach its burgeoning influence with considerable caution.”
Professor Feldman will then give a response.
The discussion will be followed by drinks in the Faculty’s atrium.
The Edward Coke Society is a new law society in Cambridge, dedicated to fostering intellectual diversity, critical discussion and informed debate about a broad range of current legal issues. Part of our objective is to bring attention to, and initiate discussion about, such ideas as judicial restraint, the efficacy or inefficacy of both legislative and judicial protection of fundamental rights, due process in the law, and the rule of law.
You can find a link to our Facebook page here:
You can also find information on Facebook about our first event, here:
If you have any questions regarding this event on 1 May, or the Society, please do not hesitate to email Jelena Gligorijevic (
We look forward to seeing many of you at our inaugural discussion on 1 May.